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    What Indian startups must learn from fallen unicorn Theranos

    What Indian startups must learn from fallen unicorn Theranos Most investors in Theranos were probably driven by loss aversion and a fear of missing out on one of the ‘hot rising stars’.
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    Indonesia’s strict penal code is an omen of illiberal democracy

    Indonesia’s strict penal code is an omen of illiberal democracy To anyone who’s been watching Indonesia in recent years, the passing of a stiff new criminal code, one that bans extramarital sex, makes it easier to punish LGBTQ people and harder to criticize the government, wasn’t a shock
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    NFTs now look headed the crypto way

    NFTs now look headed the crypto way Before Twitter’s takeover, Jack Dorsey, its founder and ex-CEO, sold his first tweet (also the first tweet ever) as an NFT for more than $2.9 million.
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    India’s renewed nuclear energy thrust is for the world to emulate

    India’s renewed nuclear energy thrust is for the world to emulate Five new locations have been earmarked for building nuclear power facilities and funds have been sanctioned for setting up 10 new reactors.
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    Mint Explainer: India's road to becoming a higher education hub

    Mint Explainer: India's road to becoming a higher education hub National Education Policy seeks a radical overhaul, making it flexible and skills-based.
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    Use facts as assets

    Use facts as assets The closer that citizens are kept in the loop of LAC developments, the less scope for China to exploit any information gaps
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    INFOSYS: Powered by values, and driven by excellence

    INFOSYS: Powered by values, and driven by excellence A lot of credit goes to N.R. Narayana Murthy, an extraordinary leader who set an example for others to follow
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    The e-rupee will yield demand-side learnings

    The e-rupee will yield demand-side learnings The current design of India’s CBDC is appropriately conservative but the idea has plenty of potential that could be explored.
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    A resource crunch need not hurt our soft power

    A resource crunch need not hurt our soft power While a parliamentary panel has pointed to gaps in India’s projection efforts, Indian talent across the world remains our best bet to win people in other countries over and gain sway
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    We need digital watermarks to catch AI passing off as human

    We need digital watermarks to catch AI passing off as human A talented scribe with stunning creative abilities has made a sensational debut
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    India’s youth bulge may have already peaked

    India’s youth bulge may have already peaked The number of youth in India is expected to contract to 367.4 million by 2026, 356.6 million by 2031 and 345.5 million by 2036.
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    An EU green-cover policy that looks like a trade shield

    An EU green-cover policy that looks like a trade shield Agricultural protectionism is not new for the EU. Be it through its market-intervention measures like export refunds and intervention buying, or more recently through stiff regulations for exporters, the EU has always protected its farmers
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    Next-gen education will have to be about AI adaptation

    Next-gen education will have to be about AI adaptation Kids growing up into tomorrow’s world will need a healthy sense of scepticism to discern what’s authentic
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    Anti-trust action against the Microsoft-Activision Blizzard deal is overkill

    Anti-trust action against the Microsoft-Activision Blizzard deal is overkill Consumer benefit, not dogma, should drive merger regulation.
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    Thrill of an uptick

    Thrill of an uptick As attention spans and playing formats shorten, it’s the plain pace that keeps eyeballs agog, scoreboards ticking, and audience frenzy rewarding
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    Go for stable prices even if its poll returns decline

    Go for stable prices even if its poll returns decline It may be a tad reductionist, but it’s valid nonetheless to picture the arena of competitive politics like a market where even the most popular brand can get ‘priced out’ of the reckoning by an inflation flare-up
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    The record shows that ‘Arjuna’s eye’ hasn’t quite been on inflation

    The record shows that ‘Arjuna’s eye’ hasn’t quite been on inflation Casting itself in the role of the skilled archer of the Mahabharata, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said it has “Arjuna’s eye” on inflation
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    Chatbots can answer anything that doesn’t need a mind

    Chatbots can answer anything that doesn’t need a mind ChatGPT is based on what are known as large language models. It trawls through trillions of words on the internet, and is trained to create text based on what it has seen
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    Does India keep people in an endless state of childhood?

    Does India keep people in an endless state of childhood? It’s not such an absurd question when one thinks of the ways our authorities try to protect us from ourselves
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    A clear-cut vote marked against complacency

    A clear-cut vote marked against complacency Unemployment, inflation, and other crises can derail this huge electoral machine