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    Stable shores in India only after 2023’s global storm

    Stable shores in India only after 2023’s global storm Our estimates suggest dark clouds gathering over growth and gradual disinflation.
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    Let the third crisis of capitalism concentrate our minds

    Let the third crisis of capitalism concentrate our minds The first two were resolved but the third one is proving persistent in the face of our weak responses
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    A tale of two multilateral forums

    A tale of two multilateral forums While China is challenging the US at multilateral forums, India is unable to challenge China at such forums even when its own interests are at stake.
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    India’s G20 presidency may lead us ahead on financial solutions

    India’s G20 presidency may lead us ahead on financial solutions The war in Ukraine continues to upend energy, food, and commodity markets. A climate crisis looms. Mounting US-China tensions threaten to throw a wrench into global trade and investment. Not even the best-prepared G20 presidency...
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    Twitter must not get dragged down a dangerous rabbit hole

    Twitter must not get dragged down a dangerous rabbit hole When Elton John announced last week that he was leaving Twitter because of its handling of misinformation, he got a reply from Elon Musk himself
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    The global south could’ve had its own economic club

    The global south could’ve had its own economic club The idea of a dedicated commission that would bring together economies of the south to form a ‘club’ or ‘union’ to negotiate collectively with the rest of the world was inspired by an initiative taken by Willy Brandt, former chancellor of Germany
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    Wins exude team spirit both on the field and off

    Wins exude team spirit both on the field and off Footballers Messi and Mbappé are set to take our breath away with their moves on Sunday in the World Cup final. As in the field of business, however, it’s the better team that will win
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    Airport snarls

    Airport snarls Passengers at Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport have been in for a rude shock, with huge crowds and painfully long queues
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    Indian agriculture is not doing as well as our GDP data suggests

    Indian agriculture is not doing as well as our GDP data suggests The National Statistical Office (NSO) released estimates of gross domestic product (GDP) for the second quarter of this fiscal year on 30 November
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    We’re a step closer to an overhaul of our competition law

    We’re a step closer to an overhaul of our competition law The Competition (Amendment) Bill, 2022, proposes to amend the law on several aspects of merger and acquisition deals but leaves some key matters of detail to India’s competition regulator.
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    In this corner, an octopus throws

    In this corner, an octopus throws Many years ago, Ollie Taylor came visiting from the US
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    The US can’t afford to lose skilled immigrants

    The US can’t afford to lose skilled immigrants Forcing skilled immigrants to endure such upheaval is not only cruel but self-defeating. Among America’s greatest strengths is its ability to lure and assimilate such talent, thereby boosting growth, entrepreneurship and innovation
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    Mammoth crisis threatens India’s IITs and IIMs

    Mammoth crisis threatens India’s IITs and IIMs India's elite institutions struggle to find qualified teachers amid a glut of PhDs.
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    Mint Explainer: The UK-Japan-Italy fighter jet will shake the defence market

    Mint Explainer: The UK-Japan-Italy fighter jet will shake the defence market The sixth-generation jet will offer the possibility of exports to the Indo-Pacific countries.
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    Budget 2023 offers a chance to fix the bankruptcy law

    Budget 2023 offers a chance to fix the bankruptcy law Euphoria over IBC has long turned into disillusionment with the gaming of the system by promoters and others, huge delays and low realisations.
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    Today’s world is missing a champion of free trade

    Today’s world is missing a champion of free trade The US rejection of a WTO panel’s recommendation asking it to comply with trade rules on steel and aluminium tariffs is a big let-down. Barrier-free trade needs a loud and clear voice
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    Neutrality please

    Neutrality please Monday’s bad news was a 4% contraction in factory output during October
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    Corporate cultures should make space for everyone to speak out

    Corporate cultures should make space for everyone to speak out Investing in rituals and spaces that allow minds to be spoken fearlessly is essential for innovation
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    We will need to find our own sources of climate finance

    We will need to find our own sources of climate finance We can’t rely on Western public transfers and must create our own framework of finance for domestic needs
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    Tax agricultural income, but after ending farm price repression

    Tax agricultural income, but after ending farm price repression Tarun Bajaj, the revenue secretary who has just retired, has stirred again a debate that goes on and on: should income from agriculture be taxed?