Beware the three bears now that Goldilocks has exited
Goldilocks aspirations of strong growth and low inflation have severely been tested since July as inflation has shot up again while signs persist of a K-shaped recovery from the pandemic.
India can usher in the beginning of the end of an ICE Age globally
We have the resources needed to lead a warming world away from vehicles that run on internal combustion engines to EVs
Can you stop working in pursuit of nothing specific?
The covid pandemic pushed many high performers to opt out of the corporate race for relaxed pursuits in distant fields that help them be their real selves and find new forms of fulfilment.
Life in universe, the immortal paradox
Just by looking around our place in the universe and making some reasonable calculations, it seems very likely that extraterrestrial life must exist somewhere
Mega-run planning
The “millennium bug” is still with us, it seems. Marketers chase millennials obsessively as a consumer class, even as 1,000-year spans animate politics
Mint Explainer: Why is India using import curbs as a policy tool?
After importing computer hardware and peripherals worth ₹7,255 crore, and electronic components worth ₹8,200 crore from China last fiscal, the government is keen on achieving greater self-reliance in manufacturing and boosting exports
Mint Explainer: Why are chana prices rising despite surplus production?
Rising prices of chana present an additional headache for the government, which is already battling inflation on many fronts
Insurers will place a vital role in India’s green-energy transition
Green technology and renewable energy projects are typically financed by major banks and institutional investors, who require the assets to be properly insured
Turning 1+1 into 11: Digital public infra as force multipliers for innovations in early learning
Digital infrastructure is a means to enable equitable access by supporting diverse, innovative solutions that empower learners, teachers, and parents.
Our criminal laws must uphold gender justice
A trio of bills to replace a colonial-era framework has taken up long overdue reforms but parts that are not in sync with the rights of women and promise of equality need a rethink
Retail investors should temper their infatuation with small caps
Higher returns from the stocks of small companies could easily be offset by potentially large losses
Warren Buffett’s legacy will extend well beyond wealth
His investment principles have enriched others but what’s most remarkable is how lightly he wears his success
Poverty can be measured well by means other than money metrics
The absence of consumption-spending survey data does not mean that we lack knowledge on levels of deprivation in India
Mint Explainer: Key takeaways from PM Modi’s Independence Day speech
The prime minister outlined the achievements of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government and announced several new schemes
Our millennial attitudes are in uneven transition
A new Indian survey reveals that population pessimism persists while individualism scores more heavily among the younger lot. What’s clear is that openness to diversity needs a boost