Arama sonuçlarınız

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    Go back to a clean slate on data protection for children

    Go back to a clean slate on data protection for children Children can use platforms with parental consent but child users cannot be tracked, making safety measures hard to apply, even as the law’s exemptions could have unintended adverse effects.
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    Enlarged BRICS

    Enlarged BRICS The bloc has agreed to admit Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the UAE as new members
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    Above moon, a moment of stillness

    Above moon, a moment of stillness Spend a few moments in thought about the numbers involved, again substituting an SUV for Vikram in your mind
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    India has an opportunity to lead the fourth industrial revolution

    India has an opportunity to lead the fourth industrial revolution We must invest in technology and education so that we do not miss a rare chance to leap ahead
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    The promise of our goods and services tax is unfulfilled

    The promise of our goods and services tax is unfulfilled Multiple rates, exemptions and patchy coverage have kept this tax reform from realizing its full potential
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    America’s on-off relationship with divinity isn’t easy to track

    America’s on-off relationship with divinity isn’t easy to track Church attendance does not really work as a proxy for religiosity
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    Data in disguise: Interpretation requires a discerning approach

    Data in disguise: Interpretation requires a discerning approach Three upcoming data points need to be interpreted very carefully for a correct reading of the current state of India’s economy
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    Debates amid diversity can foster an innovative India

    Debates amid diversity can foster an innovative India Let intellectual openness that made port cities great ideation hubs prevail over cognitive dissonance
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    A sharp incline

    A sharp incline ICRA projected India's GRP growth at 8.5% in the three months to 30 June, while SBI has pegged the figure at 8.3%
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    A scientific temper gave India its Moon triumph

    A scientific temper gave India its Moon triumph Our lunar touchdown was achieved at low cost with utmost energy efficiency, thanks to Isro’s use of gravity and sunlight. This is a triumph of science. Of grey cells over fuel cells
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    Struggling educational businesses should get strategic

    Struggling educational businesses should get strategic They need to practise what strategy classes preach and look at unfamiliar options such as M&As
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    Central banks may need greater flexibility in targeting inflation

    Central banks may need greater flexibility in targeting inflation Cost-of-living readings are likely to stay volatile in the years ahead and so monetary policy targets might require revision
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    Manufacturing hub ambitions aren’t served by statist policies

    Manufacturing hub ambitions aren’t served by statist policies Duty-free imports such as Vietnam’s are crucial to competitiveness
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    We must all unite to liberate girls from sex trafficking

    We must all unite to liberate girls from sex trafficking Concerted action by NGOs, governments, private agents and legal experts could end this exploitation
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    Welcome, buddy!

    Welcome, buddy! On Monday, the Chandrayaan 3 lander module established contact with Chandrayaan 2’s orbiter, which has been in lunar orbit for four years
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    UDAN is slogan-worthy but in need of a rethink

    UDAN is slogan-worthy but in need of a rethink India’s air map has hardly expanded, flying remains out of reach for most and this scheme has shown how tough it is to defy market forces. We must weigh its costs and benefits closely
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    Opportunistic exploitation has marked the rise of finfluencers

    Opportunistic exploitation has marked the rise of finfluencers Many of them exploited people’s ignorance during an asset boom and hid their ulterior motives
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    Worldcoin should go beyond verifying our humanness

    Worldcoin should go beyond verifying our humanness We need a way to trace fake content to its makers and not just distinguish bots from human beings
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    Medical prescription guidelines: Go for well-calibrated adoption

    Medical prescription guidelines: Go for well-calibrated adoption India’s generic drugs push can cut healthcare bills but various challenges must be addressed for the idea to fulfil its promise
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    FIFA missed a penalty shot by not speaking up for pay parity

    FIFA missed a penalty shot by not speaking up for pay parity The women’s football World Cup offered a perfect platform for it