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    Indian sugarcane fields could yield a flex-fuel bonanza

    Indian sugarcane fields could yield a flex-fuel bonanza Brazil’s example shows what we could achieve in our effort to reduce carbon emissions for the planet’s sake
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    Higher rates, weaker rupee can restore India’s trade balance

    Higher rates, weaker rupee can restore India’s trade balance The country’s widening current account deficit reflects a fall in savings but higher policy rates and a weaker rupee can help
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    Sunak could give the UK no-fairy-tales leadership

    Sunak could give the UK no-fairy-tales leadership As the political convulsions that made Rishi Sunak its PM are traceable to Brexit dissonance, he should play myth popper not just on London’s fiscal policy but on its dismal EU exit too
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    India’s female work participation rate is better than we think

    India’s female work participation rate is better than we think Surveys that account for misclassified, mis-stated and unpaid work would yield a different picture
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    Our love of government jobs isn’t good for the economy

    Our love of government jobs isn’t good for the economy They are so prized that they keep the youth out of private work for too long and hurt consumption
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    Grin and bear it

    Grin and bear it The Indian government’s own Sandes app is unlikely to achieve mass adoption, while downloads of private alternatives offering superior security have flagged. Network advantages, meanwhile, keep us glued to WhatsApp
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    Indian stocks: Do keep all exuberance rational

    Indian stocks: Do keep all exuberance rational Our share indices have fared better than many others over the past year. Yet, as challenges steepen in Samvat 2079, we can’t count on local stock prices decoupling from global factors
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    India must dominate the game of chips – through its human resources

    India must dominate the game of chips – through its human resources Geopolitics is driven by access to semiconductors and India should act now to acquire an edge
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    When activists look like pawns in a war against Meta

    When activists look like pawns in a war against Meta Dubious efforts to defame this social media giant should be seen in the context of a power struggle
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    Explaining the conundrum of inflation

    Explaining the conundrum of inflation It’s the central bank’s response in terms of monetary expansion or contraction that impacts an economy’s general price level
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    Covid variants shouldn’t alarm us but let’s resist complacency

    Covid variants shouldn’t alarm us but let’s resist complacency New versions pose no major threat unless we drop our vaccine vigil
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    Geopolitics has speeded up the race to launch CBDCs

    Geopolitics has speeded up the race to launch CBDCs Sanctions that followed the war in Europe gave the idea an appeal beyond the usually cited benefits
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    We will bridge the poverty gap by our own means

    We will bridge the poverty gap by our own means Our cities are crowding. Dirty cities, deserted villages will not change our fortunes
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    India’s top givers

    India’s top givers The EdelGive Hurun India Philanthropy List for 2022 findings show more of India’s wealthy taking to charity
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    Experiments in Erdonomics are pushing Turkey to the brink

    Experiments in Erdonomics are pushing Turkey to the brink President Erdogan’s outlandish economic experiments have led to a currency crisis, runaway inflation, slow growth and an embattled central bank with little independence.
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    Diwali sales spike and the Advaita of economics

    Diwali sales spike and the Advaita of economics We might not think of sales charts as things that yield transcendental insights into the soul of a society. That is only because we do not think deep or hard enough.
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    How the CCI has erred in punishing Make My Trip-Goibibo and OYO

    How the CCI has erred in punishing Make My Trip-Goibibo and OYO The notion that online platforms are oligopolies is mistaken. Many new platforms compete in that space now, apart from global majors.
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    Mint Explainer: How top contenders stack up in the UK PM race

    Mint Explainer: How top contenders stack up in the UK PM race None of the contenders Rishi Sunak, Boris Johnson and Penny Mordaunt has all of their ducks in a row.
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    The exchange rate will soon have to play a bigger adjustment role

    The exchange rate will soon have to play a bigger adjustment role The rupee’s dollar value has only two of four determinants in its favour and will need more flexibility to ease other pressures
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    Kanye West’s free speech buy is not something to celebrate

    Kanye West’s free speech buy is not something to celebrate The rapper’s interest in social media resembles that of Elon Musk