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    Push for peace

    Push for peace Sanctions rarely work beyond satisfying political constituencies, and snap-offs in commercial ties are unlikely to achieve anything positive. Yet, it’s also important that New Delhi pushes for a ceasefire in Europe. It would clearly be in everyone’s interest
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    A start-up solution to stubble-burning can save Delhi

    A start-up solution to stubble-burning can save Delhi Here is an easy and economical way to persuade farmers in Punjab and Haryana to stop burning crop stubble.
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    Mint Explainer: How will the US midterms reshape American politics?

    Mint Explainer: How will the US midterms reshape American politics? With all of the lower house and much of the upper house up for grabs, the Biden administration’s ability to enact reformist legislation is at stake.
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    Will Bidenomics win the battle for the American working class?

    Will Bidenomics win the battle for the American working class? The midterms will test Biden administration's overarching pro-labour record in its legislative agenda, trade policy and appointments.
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    Slash import duty to dull the glitter of gold for criminals

    Slash import duty to dull the glitter of gold for criminals Liberalization ended gold smuggling. Exchange rates became market determined, the hawala market lost its charm, and gold imports saw nominal duty. All that changed in January 2012.
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    Do not let a licence raj for apps set India back

    Do not let a licence raj for apps set India back The draft telecom bill must not be enacted in its current form. State control of communication tools by default is a faulty basis for app licensing. It would also stifle innovation and freedom
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    We should confront the global polycrisis with revitalized hope

    We should confront the global polycrisis with revitalized hope A grasp of complex interlinkages can help us create virtuous cascades of change for a better world
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    Solution to toxic smog lies outside democracy

    Solution to toxic smog lies outside democracy We lament how bad India is but we should ask ourselves why some good things happen in the country
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    Each country will find its own toolkit to tackle ‘polycrisis’

    Each country will find its own toolkit to tackle ‘polycrisis’ Today’s polycrisis will force each nation to sharpen homegrown policy tools as the global handbook of rules faces uncertainty
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    Anyone who’s had covid must watch out for stroke symptoms

    Anyone who’s had covid must watch out for stroke symptoms It’s now clear that this risk can stay elevated for long after recovery
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    India should incentivize state-level fiscal responsibility

    India should incentivize state-level fiscal responsibility There should be a stronger link between the economic performance of a state and its fiscal space
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    Do not debase

    Do not debase It’s more important for a monetary authority to assert its control should flaring prices follow a big bulge of money. The US Fed is under watch. And let’s not pretend the RBI is an exception
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    Setting a course for the country’s future politics

    Setting a course for the country’s future politics To overcome its current plight, the Congress must get closer to triumph, if not victory
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    Attempt at Imran’s life: What it says about Pakistan — and means for India

    Attempt at Imran’s life: What it says about Pakistan — and means for India Many in India may regard the chaos in Pakistan as a good thing, but it does not necessarily resolve India’s larger strategic concerns.
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    Fighting inflation not just RBI’s responsibility

    Fighting inflation not just RBI’s responsibility Fiscal policy has a key role too and progressive taxation can help the cause while boosting growth.
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    Pakistan shouldn’t play China’s regional game

    Pakistan shouldn’t play China’s regional game Pakistan’s economy and politics are in dreadful shape. The country must make its autonomy work for its economy. And while reverse swing works in cricket, it’s very risky in geopolitics
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    How to fix resource crunch in higher education

    How to fix resource crunch in higher education The likely culprit is a recent change in disbursement procedures that impose conditionalities on universities.
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    The 2022 Nobel prize for peace will do nothing to secure peace

    The 2022 Nobel prize for peace will do nothing to secure peace The principal intent of the award was to promote fraternity among nations through reduction of the instruments of war
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    The US Fed’s chief has finally aced the art of communication

    The US Fed’s chief has finally aced the art of communication Powell’s policy commentary was just as hawkish as the US needed
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    Iran’s experiment with Gandhian ideas must succeed

    Iran’s experiment with Gandhian ideas must succeed Anti-regime protests led by gutsy Iranian women who have become animators of new ideas and bearers of moral capital represent a major turning point in Iran’s post-revolution history.