Arama sonuçlarınız

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    Religion inflected politics may rattle the economy of Malaysia

    Religion inflected politics may rattle the economy of Malaysia Investors are worried by the electoral influence of hardline Islam
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    Ours is the fastest growing major economy: How come?

    Ours is the fastest growing major economy: How come? We should interpret this honorific title with caution as there’s much that we still need to set right
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    Pick your spurs

    Pick your spurs Using public funds as a prod for production, though, is harder to explain than doing so for, say, climate action
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    How Khambatta of Rasna survived MNC onslaught and a covetous socialist state

    How Khambatta of Rasna survived MNC onslaught and a covetous socialist state Areez Khambatta, Rasna brand custodian for many years, has passed away, rekindling memories of the 1980s.
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    AI now not only debates with humans but negotiates and cajoles too

    AI now not only debates with humans but negotiates and cajoles too Meta's CICERO is the first AI to achieve human-level performance in the popular strategy game Diplomacy.
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    For Indian industry, COP27 is an opportunity

    For Indian industry, COP27 is an opportunity Various agreements at Sharm el-Sheikh will enlarge the space for our industries to play a significant role in climate action.
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    Meta’s crisis stems from not telling us the whole truth

    Meta’s crisis stems from not telling us the whole truth Its users were largely unaware of its tracking model for ad revenues and its metaverse pivot looks weak
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    The changing face of market research

    The changing face of market research A report said that India will move towards increased usage of technology in research.
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    India needs to reimagine public service broadcasting

    India needs to reimagine public service broadcasting Prasar Bharati, India’s autonomous public service broadcaster, marked its silver jubilee on 23 November 2022.
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    Corporate oversight is crying out for diversity

    Corporate oversight is crying out for diversity Lopsided Indian boardrooms are moving too slowly to achieve even a semblance of balance. Gender is fraught with argument, but companies need women directors for their own success
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    A practical data framework for doing business in India

    A practical data framework for doing business in India India’s new draft bill needs a few rough edges smoothened to serve as an e-business friendly law
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    Alexa, will you ever make any money for Inc?

    Alexa, will you ever make any money for Inc? It’s a financial flop but it shouldn’t be tempted to harvest our data
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    Deepak Parekh and the case for optimism over India’s economic future

    Deepak Parekh and the case for optimism over India’s economic future The India story may come back if policymaking becomes sound, and policy uncertainty and flip-flops are reduced.
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    The mystery of Bajwa's billions and Pak's rapacious 'Military Inc'

    The mystery of Bajwa's billions and Pak's rapacious 'Military Inc' Pakistani military's murky indirect control over key sectors of the national economy is an impediment to the development of a clean and efficient private sector.
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    How Parle-G biscuit shows buying power of India’s bottom-of-the-pyramid billion

    How Parle-G biscuit shows buying power of India’s bottom-of-the-pyramid billion If brands can get the ‘three Ps’ of marketing right – product, price and placement – there is still a fortune waiting to be made at the bottom of the pyramid.
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    Social network empires are going the way of the Roman empire

    Social network empires are going the way of the Roman empire Lessons from the decline and fall of the Roman empire can be applied to Twitter and Facebook.
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    India’s economy can readily ride out a global slowdown

    India’s economy can readily ride out a global slowdown Western sanctions on Russia have worsened the global economy and hurt even the West while India’s exposure to the rest of world’s fortunes is too small for us to worry much
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    $3.5 million for a dose? Time to heal this market

    $3.5 million for a dose? Time to heal this market The eye-popping price of a new haemophilia drug in America should force a big rethink of the pharma business. Patent protection does foster innovation, but this model needs fixing
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    Villages at the periphery and the changing face of backwardness

    Villages at the periphery and the changing face of backwardness The visible hand of the state has combined with the invisible hand of the market to transform even our most remote rural areas
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    One photograph, one supernova, and three different images of it

    One photograph, one supernova, and three different images of it Abell 370 cluster of galaxies bends and distorts the “fabric” of space-time