What data tells us about the great Indian middle class
At a time when India finds itself in a sweet geopolitical spot, interest in India’s middle class has grown
Five priorities for India Inc could help us reach ahead of the curve
A world in flux offers an opportunity to make this ‘India’s century’ by working on five themes that’ll prepare us for the future
There’ll be no let-up in science and technology progress
Innovation will continue but India must pep up university level research to enhance its prospects
Mint Explainer: How Biden documents scandal will rock American politics
The scandal has breathed fresh life into the scattered opposition Republican Party.
Why Kamath’s hypothesis on bank deposits is bang on
Veteran banker KV Kamath argued at Mint’s Annual Banking Conclave that bank deposits will grow by double-digits which should be enough to meet credit demand.
Painful wedge
The richest 1% in the country now own more than 40% of its wealth, while the bottom half of the population together share just 3%, according to a report
The Union budget should take a bifocal view of India’s economy
It should address near-term challenges while laying the foundation for sustainable economic growth over the medium-term
Challengers of Big Tech’s sway on the internet won’t have it easy
The alternative of an open decentralized internet has gained fresh impetus but faces massive hurdles
Our bond of unity rests on Constitutional basics
Aspects of the Indian Constitution that are essential for a minimal national consensus should be considered its ‘basic structure’. These also constitute the key to India’s long-term stability
The myths around a man in the internet hall of fame
Many believe MIT and the US government had overreacted to Aaron Swartz' symbolic act of defiance against capitalism.
The Indian economy will be marked by contradictions
Prepare for global gloom and the risk of retail loans going bad just as corporate credit picks up in India
It’s time now to avert a crisis that faces the world
Now 35.7% of Pakistan’s population lives below the poverty line; the country is ranked 99 out of 121 nations on the Global Hunger Index.
In Thala’s Thunivu, an unfair vilification of mutual funds
Ajith’s on-screen sayings in Thunivu are bound to be yet another setback to the growth of an informed investment culture in Tamil Nadu.
Pakistan is teetering on the verge of bankruptcy
To avert balance of payments crisis and avoid defaults on repayment of foreign debt, Islamabad is trying to borrow more from friendly countries.
Mint Explainer: After covid, the unfolding of an unfair world
India remains an outlier in a world where the gulf between rich and poor nations has widened.
Covid or no covid, the Chinese people keep supporting their government
The massive covid wave underway in China currently and the CCP government’s shambolic response should suggest to us that this trust is misplaced.