Could AI diffusion affect global patterns of migration?
It would depend on whether AI tools impact skill premiums differently in rich countries vis-a-vis others
The budget must balance aims of growth and public debt stability
A slowdown in nominal growth will make fiscal compression harder but we should move towards fixing the primary deficit
Sharks on TV are a result of easy money and the Cantillon effect
Most TV-show investors offer easily-got money but have no real record of business success to emulate
The spaces created by Doshi could inspire generations
Doshi’s spaces, like his life, were filled with simplicity, rootedness and a spirit of adventure.
US obstinacy over guns is bad for its soft power
America must revise its peculiar view of individual liberty in the context of weapons not just to keep its people safe but also shore up its global appeal as an exemplar of liberal democracy
What Yonex's new racquet factory says about the company and India
Just as in cricket, growing success at the global level by Indians has spurred millions to take up badminton, which in turn has spurred substantial investments by domestic and foreign players in all aspects of the sport
Name piper-payers who may be calling the tune
India’s new rules for online influencers that require them to disclose sponsors upfront are welcome. We must all get a lot more discerning to resist various forms of hidden persuasion
An AI chatbot can pass the US test for a medical licence
Doctors needn’t see ChatGPT as a threat but as an aid in cases where past knowledge is a decision input
The BBC episode holds lessons on public service broadcasting
Emergent technologies can give India the strategic capacity to counter the influence of foreign media
India needs to use its fiscal armoury to fight inequality
Higher social and productive spending along with tapping tax opportunities can help reduce yawning gaps
Swipe, tap or click: How digital payments power our GST intake
The introduction of a goods and services tax (GST) a little over five years ago was undoubtedly the single-biggest reform of indirect taxes in India
Allegations of sexual abuse mar Indian sports
Coach Ramesh Malhotra was suspended as a result, and his name was also removed from the proposed list for the Dronacharya Award
It’s a wonder what most Indian politicians actually do
Do they stay so deeply stuck in the process of politics that they achieve nothing useful for society?
Do bans work?
With the nation’s interests deemed at stake again, this time on account of a BBC show, the Centre has exercised controls on digital intermediaries acquired under the IT Rules of 2021 to keep it out of sight
Mint Explainer: How the burning of a religious book threatens to derail Sweden’s entry into NATO
Entry into NATO can only occur if all member countries approve a country’s application to enter
The Yes Bank court ruling undermines the concept of loss-absorbing AT-1 bonds
Emerging India can ill-afford a precedent that undermines the concept of loss-absorbing AT-1 bonds
Mint Explainer: What's behind New Zealand PM Ardern's sudden resignation?
At the time of Ardern’s resignation, her party trailed behind the opposition National Party by 4 percentage points in national polls.