Arama sonuçlarınız

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    Tremors of another quake should prompt preparedness

    Tremors of another quake should prompt preparedness Our National Capital Region is in a seismic zone that requires a comprehensive response plan kept ready
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    Why India’s forests need new stewards

    Why India’s forests need new stewards We must reimagine the role of society, the state and markets if we have to conserve and rejuvenate our jungles
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    Too harsh a penalty

    Too harsh a penalty India’s Supreme Court said it would re-examine the validity of hanging till death as the means by which capital punishment is meted out in this country
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    Pakistan’s triangular power play makes it a tinderbox

    Pakistan’s triangular power play makes it a tinderbox Imran Khan’s radical politics and surging popularity in recent years challenge not only Pakistan’s army and traditional political parties, but also India and other concerned external powers
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    Credit Suisse’s rescue crossed a consequential debt Rubicon

    Credit Suisse’s rescue crossed a consequential debt Rubicon UBS Group AG, having subsumed Swiss Bank Corp 25 years ago, is now absorbing Credit Suisse Group AG, creating a single Swiss banking giant
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    The stage has been set for gender equity in Digital India

    The stage has been set for gender equity in Digital India We need a comprehensive strategy to ensure that our economy gains from female participation
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    Do not let increasing heatwaves sap worker productivity in India

    Do not let increasing heatwaves sap worker productivity in India Extreme heat as climate change worsens could adversely impact our economic output unless we adopt mitigative measures
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    The Fed’s money printing can be traced to the Great Gatsby curve

    The Fed’s money printing can be traced to the Great Gatsby curve Inequality anxiety fostered a policy mix that shook the stability of banks that it must now stabilize
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    AI development needs guardrails for its safe evolution

    AI development needs guardrails for its safe evolution Regulate this field before it gets too late to limit the potential dangers of AI gone rogue
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    The government mustn’t act like India’s net nanny

    The government mustn’t act like India’s net nanny The Indian I&B minister’s reproach of online entertainment platforms for ‘obscenity’ lacked conviction. This is a market that hasn’t failed. It should be spared undue state intervention
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    Breathe easy

    Breathe easy We should stay calm and not draw false parallels with Western banks in trouble
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    Asian startups are rising to the financing challenge

    Asian startups are rising to the financing challenge Once the world’s hottest stock because of its single-minded pursuit of growth, Singapore’s Sea is slashing costs as it seeks safety in profitability.
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    India cracks the door open to foreign law firms, but restrictions abound

    India cracks the door open to foreign law firms, but restrictions abound The Bar Council of India's new rules do just enough to get the India-UK free trade agreement off the ground. There could be hurdles ahead
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    Mint Explainer: The significance of Xi Jinping’s visit to Russia

    Mint Explainer: The significance of Xi Jinping’s visit to Russia Some observers argue that China won’t arm Russia for fear of crossing a red line with Europe and the US, but others believe it will have to double down and back Moscow
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    Artificial intelligence can help us humans vet research papers

    Artificial intelligence can help us humans vet research papers Machines could do a fast and accurate job of identifying quality
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    India needs to lay down net shutdown protocols

    India needs to lay down net shutdown protocols We have the world’s most internet shutdowns. This is a major blot on our record of digital freedom. Such clamps may have their utility but we need clear rules to prevent their abuse
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    India has proven its resilience as a trading nation in recent times

    India has proven its resilience as a trading nation in recent times Our trade-to-GDP decline was only a reflection of oil price trends and trade recovery should quash charges of an inward turn
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    Cutting the Gordian Knot won’t solve problems of strategic value

    Cutting the Gordian Knot won’t solve problems of strategic value Alexander’s slice-through approach doesn’t work when a knotty issue must be unravelled carefully
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    Offline reinforcement learning can beat generative AI

    Offline reinforcement learning can beat generative AI This is a special kind of machine learning that’s better suited for tasks that require complex training
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    The gold loan business owed its glitter to a macro shift

    The gold loan business owed its glitter to a macro shift Its shine was taken off by the end of gold’s last big bull run and now the metal is likelier to boom than fortunes