Arama sonuçlarınız

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    The world’s biggest country is showing signs of data anxiety

    The world’s biggest country is showing signs of data anxiety India has been rather too lax in surveying its 1.4 billion plus people
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    There’s scant oversight of India’s oligopolistic markets

    There’s scant oversight of India’s oligopolistic markets Our competition law doesn’t recognize collective dominance as an economic problem
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    Congress needs Opposition unity more than ever

    Congress needs Opposition unity more than ever Nitish had come to Delhi last September, too, hoping to gain Congress’ support, but he did not get the green signal from the “family”.
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    Starship struck a blow for private enterprise

    Starship struck a blow for private enterprise The fiery end of SpaceX’s latest rocket highlighted how private guts are best placed for glory in frontier pursuits. But rules must be enforced in this sector and monopolies held in check
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    Our land records modernization initiative has a major gap to plug

    Our land records modernization initiative has a major gap to plug Online registration of documents enabled remotely would help us realize key goals of Digital India
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    Why the GOAT in sports is usually old or dead or both

    Why the GOAT in sports is usually old or dead or both It is easier to celebrate someone long retired as the greatest than to honour a contemporary
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    Mint Explainer: How China landed itself in hot water with Europe again

    Mint Explainer: How China landed itself in hot water with Europe again China’s ambassador to France Lu Shaye seemed to question the legal status of Ukraine and other post-Soviet Baltic states in a recent interview, sparking outrage in these countries and hampering China’s charm offensive in Europe
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    What the emerging global order looks like

    What the emerging global order looks like European dissonance with the US over China and a growing desire in East Asia to reduce dependence on the American security shield could lead to the emergence of a multipolar world
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    More unpaid work may be driving up India’s employment statistics

    More unpaid work may be driving up India’s employment statistics We must interpret our latest PLFS data with caution as a rising worker-population ratio could reflect disconcerting trends.
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    The US mustn’t forget lessons taught by its opioid epidemic

    The US mustn’t forget lessons taught by its opioid epidemic Authorities must act against drug addiction before it turns deadly
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    The study of human genomics is an evolving revolution

    The study of human genomics is an evolving revolution It promises to lower health costs and raise the efficacy of treatment at population scale in India
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    Quick edit: Quotas for everyone?

    Quick edit: Quotas for everyone? While Scheduled Caste and Tribe groups have government jobs and education seats reserved roughly in the ratio of their share in our overall headcount, OBCs are thought to have less
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    We need public figures to warn of Ponzi scams

    We need public figures to warn of Ponzi scams In the virtual world of finance, every step is fraught with risk for ordinary folks
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    Let’s aim for a business-friendly approach to online takedowns

    Let’s aim for a business-friendly approach to online takedowns The Digital India Act must ensure transparency in bans and reduce e-business uncertainty overall
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    The government shouldn’t be running a fact-check unit

    The government shouldn’t be running a fact-check unit We must resist self-goals on the state’s ability to correct course in the manner expected of a democracy
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    Mint Explainer: Why is unsold housing inventory rising in a bull market?

    Mint Explainer: Why is unsold housing inventory rising in a bull market? According to Liases Foras Rating and Research, unsold housing inventory rose by about 15% from FY22 to FY23. This was primarily because the rate at which developers launched projects outstripped sales during the past year
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    Standardised property agreements are a good idea, but some pitfalls will remain

    Standardised property agreements are a good idea, but some pitfalls will remain Such agreements between builders and homebuyers will make settling disputes easier and faster, but won’t solve problems such as unclear titles and financially undisciplined builders
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    The real significance of Kerala's – and India's – first water budget

    The real significance of Kerala's – and India's – first water budget Conducting water audits is essential to building resilience against climate change. Kerala’s pioneering water budget shows other states how to plan them
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    High and dry in the long hot day

    High and dry in the long hot day The reason we monitor relative humidity is that it has a bearing on how we feel
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    The G20’s energy transition can be led by an all-round consensus

    The G20’s energy transition can be led by an all-round consensus The transformation must cover how we produce, transport and consume energy without letting development priorities down