Arama sonuçlarınız

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    Falling profits, strict Sebi rules could deter foreign investors

    Falling profits, strict Sebi rules could deter foreign investors After two bleak years, FPIs are once again net buyers of Indian equities. But how long will the turnaround last?
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    Mint Explainer: What’s Byju’s beef with its lenders?

    Mint Explainer: What’s Byju’s beef with its lenders? The edtech giant has stopped repaying its $1.2-billion loan and sued Redwood Capital Management and others in the New York Supreme Court
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    All eyes on RBI governor; status quo on rates likely

    All eyes on RBI governor; status quo on rates likely The domestic economy is in great shape, and growth requires little immediate policy support
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    An Expenditure Council could help promote fiscal prudence

    An Expenditure Council could help promote fiscal prudence Such a GST Council-like body can advise states on spending matters to ensure the best possible allocation of scarce resources.
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    Do not dismiss Apple’s pricey new headset too prematurely

    Do not dismiss Apple’s pricey new headset too prematurely Apple has unveiled its Vision Pro mixed-reality headset, which promises to reduce the intrusiveness of the technology as much as possible. The headset has raised the profile of mixed-reality computing and has been described as a potential...
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    The bans on futures trading in farm products should go

    The bans on futures trading in farm products should go The focus was on agricultural commodities where it was believed that a vibrant futures market would provide the right signals to farmers on what to grow and when as well as where to sell.
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    Earnings of India Inc have not disappointed

    Earnings of India Inc have not disappointed Healthy macroeconomic fundamentals have underpinned their growth in the last quarter, but the possibility of El Nino and developed economies slipping into a recession pose risks
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    Morgan Stanley’s report on India is an exercise in cherry-picking

    Morgan Stanley’s report on India is an exercise in cherry-picking It shows only one side of the story and seems aimed at building a narrative to drive up stock prices
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    It is inexplicable that the ‘empty mile’ issue is not solved

    It is inexplicable that the ‘empty mile’ issue is not solved The transportation and logistics industry faces inefficiencies due to "empty miles" - the distance a freight truck travels with no cargo - accounting for nearly 20% of road freight transport in Europe in 2020. Carriers are attempting...
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    Can the Indian economy sustain its momentum?

    Can the Indian economy sustain its momentum? Policymakers must urgently focus on reviving manufacturing if the impressive growth is to be maintained
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    RBI’s policy rate pause is set to continue for long term

    RBI’s policy rate pause is set to continue for long term While it is important for an emerging economy central bank to stay broadly in sync with the global interest rate cycle, one needs to recognize that, at present, the deviation in case of inflation and GDP growth from their respective...
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    India-Nepal relations need sustained stability

    India-Nepal relations need sustained stability The positive atmosphere in which the PM-level talks were held suggests a thaw in ties, which must be built on to create an amicable environment for resolving contentious issues.
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    We must incentivize household savings for fast economic growth

    We must incentivize household savings for fast economic growth This is key to getting them rising amid a falling share of the ‘young’ in the working-age population.
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    We need to raise the development quotient of the census

    We need to raise the development quotient of the census Integrating the census with statistical functions will improve its quality as well as policymaking
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    Central banks too must take the blame for the crisis we are facing

    Central banks too must take the blame for the crisis we are facing Their easy-money policies led bankers to take excessive risks and seeded the system with vulnerabilities that are now hurting
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    BRICS raging against the US dollar is an exercise in futility

    BRICS raging against the US dollar is an exercise in futility The BRICS countries are attempting to challenge the US dollar's dominant position as the world's reserve currency, but their efforts are likely to fail due to economic factors and too many contradictions between the group's members...
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    Put eco-centric industrialization on the G20’s agenda

    Put eco-centric industrialization on the G20’s agenda This is necessary for sustainable consumption and production shifts that the SDGs have not helped achieve
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    Apple’s Moment Today, India’s Moment Tomorrow?

    Apple’s Moment Today, India’s Moment Tomorrow? Over the years, Indian professionals have honed their expertise in creating visually stunning and immersive experiences for global clients.
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    We must give safety the inviolability it deserves

    We must give safety the inviolability it deserves The Balasore train accident should have us re-evaluate how much we prioritise safety, and reform as well as modernize India’s railways in ways that make it a zero-error operation
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    NCERT’s curriculum for science needs to be ‘rationalized’ again

    NCERT’s curriculum for science needs to be ‘rationalized’ again India's National Council of Educational Research and Training's decision to delete evolution from the Class X Science textbook is baffling. Equipping future generations with knowledge of natural selection is important for everyone...