Arama sonuçlarınız

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    We need to harness the fear of a big artificial unknown

    We need to harness the fear of a big artificial unknown We should take inspiration from the early days of electric power to tame AI and let its utility ease our anxiety
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    Mint Explainer: What is Silvio Berlusconi’s legacy?

    Mint Explainer: What is Silvio Berlusconi’s legacy? The three-time prime minister of Italy, who showed remarkable staying power in the face of several corruption and sex scandals, passed away this week
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    Mint Explainer: Will ghost offices soon haunt Hyderabad?

    Mint Explainer: Will ghost offices soon haunt Hyderabad? Despite lacklustre demand, the city is adding new office space at a frenetic rate
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    When power gets to be determiner of party empathy

    When power gets to be determiner of party empathy When nature’s wrath erupted in Kedarnath, the Congress was in power at the Centre. It, too, was similarly targeted. Our politicians believe in opposing simply for the sake of opposing.
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    Ex-ante regulations can hurt the growth of India’s digital markets

    Ex-ante regulations can hurt the growth of India’s digital markets What India needs is a post-ante review of the effects on competition so that investments in this still-nascent area do not slow.
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    Australia’s wildfires may hold a lesson or two for a smoky US

    Australia’s wildfires may hold a lesson or two for a smoky US Australia's devastating 2019-2020 wildfires changed the country's politics on climate, resulting in the 2022 election delivering the greenest parliament on record. However, natural disasters don't necessarily shift voter behavior...
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    The harms of de-globalization are often exaggerated

    The harms of de-globalization are often exaggerated Unilateral policies worry globalists but their effects may actually be salutary for the world economy.
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    BSNL’s revival plan must be followed by reforms

    BSNL’s revival plan must be followed by reforms It is unfair to use public money to rescue the telecom operator. Now that it has been deemed necessary, an operational overhaul is a must, without which no bailout would be enough
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    Sebi must not overlook the basic tenets in suspicious trade probes

    Sebi must not overlook the basic tenets in suspicious trade probes The draft of the Unlawful Suspicious Trading Activities Regulations defines suspicious trades as those that involve a substantial change in risk or reward and exhibit repetitive trading patterns in stocks within a certain time period
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    There’s a future for boredom in the age of immersive fun

    There’s a future for boredom in the age of immersive fun Augmented reality advances are creating new ways of forgetting what is real but also of getting bored
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    How Apple’s Vision Pro could save its VR competitors

    How Apple’s Vision Pro could save its VR competitors Apple's new Vision Pro headset may be overpriced and unproven, but its entry into the virtual-reality sector could spark a boom among rivals. Apple's strategy of not being trapped by technological barriers and plowing ahead with confidence...
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    Mint Explainer: A modest, not-too-populist hike in MSP

    Mint Explainer: A modest, not-too-populist hike in MSP For the kharif season, the government announced an average hike of 7% year-on-year for a basket of 14 crops, which was less than the hike announced in 2018, the previous pre-general-election year
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    Uphold ‘niti’ as well as ‘nyay’ for the cause of justice to be served

    Uphold ‘niti’ as well as ‘nyay’ for the cause of justice to be served An analysis of procedural justice as distinct from its substantive form over the past two decades can help improve its delivery.
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    India ought to work far harder at being the world’s pharmacy

    India ought to work far harder at being the world’s pharmacy India's pharmaceutical sector has been linked to multiple deaths of children in Africa and Central Asia, and the US Food and Drug Administration has sent notices to Indian pharmaceutical companies for not doing their duty to customers...
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    Meaningful controls on crypto are finally on their way

    Meaningful controls on crypto are finally on their way The EU recently adopted its 'Markets in Crypto Assets' regulation, while the US has taken a more interventionist approach, cracking down on two major crypto exchanges. The regulatory landscape is expected to continue evolving as...
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    Engineers with zig-zag careers are good for us

    Engineers with zig-zag careers are good for us Educators may be disappointed to see students make little obvious use of their specialized training, but what matters is the value that career paths eventually add to India’s economy
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    Some performance metrics may actually hurt what they measure

    Some performance metrics may actually hurt what they measure The use of the Bell Curve in performance evaluation incentivises self-centric behaviour over joint alignment towards organisational purpose, pitting colleagues against each other. Mankind's most meaningful achievements result from...
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    Key drivers have sustained the strength of our recovery

    Key drivers have sustained the strength of our recovery India’s growth outlook is encouraging for an array of reasons even as risks look evenly poised
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    Mint Explainer: Why Boris Johnson’s dramatic exit is bad for UK PM Rishi Sunak

    Mint Explainer: Why Boris Johnson’s dramatic exit is bad for UK PM Rishi Sunak It was Sunak’s resignation as chancellor of the exchequer that triggered the collapse of Johnson’s government in 2022
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    The vast promise and harrowing pitfalls of neural implants

    The vast promise and harrowing pitfalls of neural implants The technology could dramatically improve the quality of life of people with brain disorders and change the way we all interact with computers. But it also has huge potential for misuse