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    Mint Explainer: Why did Elon Musk cap the number of Twitter posts you can read?

    Mint Explainer: Why did Elon Musk cap the number of Twitter posts you can read? The move is meant to tackle ‘data scraping’, a practice that has sparked lawsuits against OpenAI and Microsoft. What is it and why does it matter so much?
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    Shashank Bijapur on the importance of outbound sales and building guardrails as you scale your B2B SaaS business

    Shashank Bijapur on the importance of outbound sales and building guardrails as you scale your B2B SaaS business A VC interviews a B2B SaaS founder on the best methods to scale up from the early phases. These are the 'hard yards' you'll want to read about when trying to accelerate from 1 to 100...
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    Right-based healthcare will not work without the infrastructure

    Right-based healthcare will not work without the infrastructure As per information given to Parliament, India’s doctor-to-patient ratio is about 1:1,511 for allopathic doctors, against the WHO norm of 1:1,000
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    Need a credible plan to fix India’s statistical system

    Need a credible plan to fix India’s statistical system Growing insularity, the lack of investments in computing resources and the declining influence of the Planning Commission (which had earlier been a pillar of support for statisticians) eroded the statistical system’s effectiveness.
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    The world needs local policies to address the global refugee crisis

    The world needs local policies to address the global refugee crisis Disrupted lives deserve the relief of policies aimed at refugee well-being, welcoming host communities and local integration
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    The chorus of central bankers: Higher rates for longer

    The chorus of central bankers: Higher rates for longer Tighter money policies in rich countries are facing off with markets and the outcome will affect India
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    Equality in the US has been a fraught proposition all along

    Equality in the US has been a fraught proposition all along Even affirmative action has not fulfilled the US pledge of freedom
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    Twitter’s troubles are perfectly timed for Meta

    Twitter’s troubles are perfectly timed for Meta Technical problems plaguing Elon Musk’s social platform pave the way for rivals, especially one with deep pockets.
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    Hard code to crack

    Hard code to crack Gender justice in India is still lacking, and a Uniform Civil Code may be the solution. However, social adherence to religious norms may undermine its effectiveness. A campaign to challenge age-old beliefs is needed, without divisive politics or blaming any particular faith...
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    Byju’s case holds lessons on unicorn audit quality

    Byju’s case holds lessons on unicorn audit quality The accounts of this big edtech unicorn would have been under tighter regulation if it were publicly owned. Let us redefine ‘public interest’ to include other stakeholders like students.
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    Hydrogen will help decarbonize our commercial vehicle traffic

    Hydrogen will help decarbonize our commercial vehicle traffic There is a strong case for India to bet big on hydrogen-fuelled internal combustion engine vehicles for commercial transport
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    Swish expressways must go with public education on using them

    Swish expressways must go with public education on using them Policies that aim to change how people in India drive will have the greatest impact on road safety
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    It’s high time that Pakistan got over its IMF bailout addiction

    It’s high time that Pakistan got over its IMF bailout addiction The budget, however, would have left Pakistan with a fiscal deficit of 6.5% of its GDP, too much for the IMF to swallow
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    A contest of two faulty arguments familiar to Indians

    A contest of two faulty arguments familiar to Indians The affirmative action debate misses the point of what a truly compassionate society should aim to achieve.
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    Our economists should bat for the country’s economy

    Our economists should bat for the country’s economy It’s worrying that the views most express in public do little to aid debates on what India’s economy needs
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    Opposition has to quickly fix stand on civil code issue

    Opposition has to quickly fix stand on civil code issue Five states will hold assembly elections in the coming months. This will be the “litmus test” on the proposal.
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    RBI’s financial stability report masks the malaise in Indian banking

    RBI’s financial stability report masks the malaise in Indian banking Bad loans may be down for now, but the systemic issues that cause them to flare up periodically remain unaddressed
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    The ‘Good and Simple Tax’ has broadly achieved its goals

    The ‘Good and Simple Tax’ has broadly achieved its goals India’s goods and services tax has simplified the country’s erstwhile complex indirect tax regime, but it should now focus on reducing litigation and making compliance contactless to enhance transparency and trust, which are important for...
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    Mint Explainer: US Supreme Court strikes down affirmative action

    Mint Explainer: US Supreme Court strikes down affirmative action Two decades after it ruled that race could be used as a consideration during the university admissions process, the court has reversed its decision
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    India should roll out the red carpet for Uniqlo

    India should roll out the red carpet for Uniqlo Achieving sustainable economic growth will depend on whether India can create jobs for the bulk of its rapidly growing workforce. Uniqlo's expansion plans offer the perfect opportunity