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    India needs multiple measures to get proper clarity on poverty

    India needs multiple measures to get proper clarity on poverty A clear picture of poverty reduction requires all the data we can get and that includes consumption
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    Football’s new goal

    Football’s new goal Sometimes, it takes a special effort to make a point, and the women’s football World Cup has seen one
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    Too Much Money Chasing Too Many Small Stocks

    Too Much Money Chasing Too Many Small Stocks In bullish times investing in small-cap stocks starts to look easy. That’s when mistakes are made
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    India needs a multidimensional, local-level prosperity index

    India needs a multidimensional, local-level prosperity index Income and consumption are not enough to determine whether an individual is disadvantaged on social, educational or health parameters, or in relative living standards and quality of life
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    Mint Explainer: Why UNESCO wants a global smartphone ban in schools

    Mint Explainer: Why UNESCO wants a global smartphone ban in schools Mere proximity to a mobile device was found to distract students and have a negative impact on learning in 14 countries, UNESCO said in a 435-page report released on July 26
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    Is buying back shares the best use of L&T free cash?

    Is buying back shares the best use of L&T free cash? The potential ₹10,000-crore buyback promises a windfall for investors whether they choose to sell their shares or not. But should L&T have used it to fuel growth or retire debt instead?
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    Mint Explainer: Why sales of homes below ₹40 lakh are shrinking

    Mint Explainer: Why sales of homes below ₹40 lakh are shrinking Demand for budget homes is slowing even as overall housing demand remains high
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    Shifting consumer habits are transforming the packaging industry

    Shifting consumer habits are transforming the packaging industry Packaging is no longer about merely preserving products. It also plays a crucial role in building brand loyalty and helping to create a sustainable future
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    Mint Explainer: Jan Vishwas amendment bill returns to Parliament

    Mint Explainer: Jan Vishwas amendment bill returns to Parliament The bill proposes to, among other things, decriminalise minor offences by amending 181 provisions across 42 Acts that are administered by no less than 19 ministries
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    Mint Explainer: Govt proposes bigger role for private companies in mining

    Mint Explainer: Govt proposes bigger role for private companies in mining The Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation Amendment) Bill, 2023 promotes exploration of mineral resources by the private sector by offering a composite exploration licence for deep-seated and critical minerals
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    Mint Explainer: When and why do companies buy back their shares?

    Mint Explainer: When and why do companies buy back their shares? Share buybacks are a tax-efficient way of rewarding shareholders, but may also indicate the company lacks avenues for further growth
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    Miss World is welcome: It’ll help expose a myth

    Miss World is welcome: It’ll help expose a myth Beauty contests are clearly good for lucre but it is liberty that must lead us to roll out a pink carpet for them. Just don’t forget to pass the mike along to critics of what these gigs are about
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    India needs multiple measures to get proper clarity on poverty

    India needs multiple measures to get proper clarity on poverty A clear picture of poverty reduction requires all the data we can get and that includes consumption
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    Adopt a comprehensive plan for nature conservation

    Adopt a comprehensive plan for nature conservation The link between animal welfare and human well-being is often lost on us but we must do all we can to ensure that we take care of other species and protect our natural endowment of diversity.
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    Utopia or dystopia: Can artificial intelligence really be regulated?

    Utopia or dystopia: Can artificial intelligence really be regulated? We should perhaps turn to Isaac Asimov’s fictional ‘three laws of robotics’ to protect us from robots that are smarter than us
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    India’s rice export curbs could prove too myopic for its good

    India’s rice export curbs could prove too myopic for its good It weakens the country’s claim to leadership of the Global South
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    It’s often more than a buzz that the rich get from risk

    It’s often more than a buzz that the rich get from risk The rich often see extreme travel as an escape from their mundane lives but such adventures also have other drivers, including risk-taking as a status symbol or means of self-affirmation.
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    A Parliament floor test would serve democracy

    A Parliament floor test would serve democracy The Modi government can easily defeat a no-confidence vote but its value as polls approach will lie in what it reveals of which party stands where in Parliament rather than rhetoric
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    Universities should lead the way as we adapt to the future of work

    Universities should lead the way as we adapt to the future of work Indian varsities must orient themselves to produce graduates who can thrive amid rapid changes
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    The world can’t overlook the long shadow of Versailles

    The world can’t overlook the long shadow of Versailles The proposal of using Russia’s frozen assets to rebuild Ukraine must grapple with the lessons of history