Arama sonuçlarınız

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    Rise of local brands reflects increased buying power of ‘the masses’

    Rise of local brands reflects increased buying power of ‘the masses’ The sale of fast-moving consumer goods, a direct measure of the income levels of the less affluent, continues to grow faster than inflation. Local brands are growing almost 50% faster than their national counterparts
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    Mint Explainer: Why are tomato prices shooting up again?

    Mint Explainer: Why are tomato prices shooting up again? Prices of tomatoes in north India cooled for a while after the government began selling them at concessional rates in July. But they have started shooting up once again
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    Workplace safety is not negotiable at any level

    Workplace safety is not negotiable at any level A spike in sexual harassment cases among listed firms could well indicate greater PoSH awareness and clearer codes. But we’re a long way from ending this menace across India
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    Altman’s Worldcoin idea is out to reinvent the Aadhaar wheel

    Altman’s Worldcoin idea is out to reinvent the Aadhaar wheel His ‘vision’ has appeal but biometric identification of genuine humans for cash transfers isn’t new
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    Israel’s judicial ‘reforms’ will be ruinous for its economy

    Israel’s judicial ‘reforms’ will be ruinous for its economy The changes being rammed through by Israel’s rightist forces are a ticking time bomb that’ll weaken its judiciary and push it towards illiberal democracy in ways that can wreck its economy.
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    Six years of GST: Compensation cess still needs to be sorted out

    Six years of GST: Compensation cess still needs to be sorted out The flow of GST compensation reveals delayed auditing of state finances and reminds us to think about the future of the cess
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    Inflation may have shaken the US creditworthiness narrative

    Inflation may have shaken the US creditworthiness narrative The Fitch downgrade should push America to face its fiscal reality
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    Free libraries are a big hope in need of policy support

    Free libraries are a big hope in need of policy support The idea is to create not just easily accessible learning resources for children and adults but also spaces for people to discuss ideas and engage in meaningful conversations.
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    Top of the league

    Top of the league Morgan Stanley boosts India's rating to overweight as economy shows signs of post-pandemic momentum.
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    When a worm wriggles back to life after 46,000 freezing years in Siberia

    When a worm wriggles back to life after 46,000 freezing years in Siberia Scientists have discovered that certain organisms, such as moss and microscopic animals, have the ability to enter a state of suspended animation, known as cryptobiosis, and can be revived after long periods of time
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    Food as fuel isn’t a plan that can take us very far

    Food as fuel isn’t a plan that can take us very far The adoption of ethanol-blended petrol could help lower carbon emissions and crude oil imports but dreams of vehicle refills at ₹15 per litre will stumble on the challenge of scale
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    A few good actions may actually be enough to improve education

    A few good actions may actually be enough to improve education Dedication and coordination can deliver what’s needed to raise the quality of schooling at low cost
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    India’s approach to trade remains too anachronistic

    India’s approach to trade remains too anachronistic Our export goals would be easier to achieve if we adapt our policy framework to global realities
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    School reforms under NEP 2020 must not be allowed to languish

    School reforms under NEP 2020 must not be allowed to languish These are long overdue and we must achieve them quickly or risk squandering the demographic dividend of our youth bulge
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    Genetically modified corn is welcome but won’t help much

    Genetically modified corn is welcome but won’t help much Crops designed for climate resilience only skirt the real problem
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    Our political economy works like a multi-player game

    Our political economy works like a multi-player game Competing interests try to shape policy but that does not mean sound economics cannot prevail
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    US debt shudders

    US debt shudders A downgrade of the US sovereign debt rating to AA+ from AAA by Fitch Ratings overnight on Tuesday sent stock markets tumbling by as much as 2.5%
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    India should be pragmatic about huge Chinese investments

    India should be pragmatic about huge Chinese investments BYD Motors's $1 billion investment bid is the latest casualty of the economic cold war with China. Can India afford to continue turning down Chinese money and expertise?
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    Mint Explainer: Why does the outlook for union govt’s finances remain positive?

    Mint Explainer: Why does the outlook for union govt’s finances remain positive? Corporate tax collections fell and the fiscal deficit widened in the first quarter of FY24, according to the latest fiscal-deficit data, but there were some positive signs as well
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    Mint Explainer: What we learnt from US Congressional hearings on UFOs

    Mint Explainer: What we learnt from US Congressional hearings on UFOs The hearings featured testimony from David Grusch, a former member of the ‘unidentified anomalous phenomena’ task force of the Department of Defence, and former navy pilots Ryan Graves and John Fravor