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    Go for the unthinkable; import wheat to curb food prices inflation

    Go for the unthinkable; import wheat to curb food prices inflation India should also export the damaged wheat FCI procured this season to meet the world’s need for animal feed
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    Need to introduce DR-TB regimens that give patients a better chance at life

    Need to introduce DR-TB regimens that give patients a better chance at life With almost 3.2 lakh estimated TB deaths in 2022, we need speedy policymaking for all aspects of TB to reduce the loss of lives
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    Explicit RBI guidance is not necessarily useful

    Explicit RBI guidance is not necessarily useful An RBI paper found that clarity of communication works well as a central bank tool when policy rates are low, but needn’t when they go higher. Too little ambiguity may even be risky
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    Make space to embrace stillness in an increasingly hectic world

    Make space to embrace stillness in an increasingly hectic world A calm mind has multiple benefits that must not be lost under an emphasis on work productivity
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    Gender sensitivity works in favour of economic growth

    Gender sensitivity works in favour of economic growth Evidence has piled up of how gender injustice hurts everyone’s welfare but the commitment to fix it is weak
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    The global impact of policy calls may affect our rupee ambitions

    The global impact of policy calls may affect our rupee ambitions Limited fiscal headroom and ideological signals of trade policy could get in the way of efforts to globalize India’s currency
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    Zoom’s return to office shows hybrid work is the new norm

    Zoom’s return to office shows hybrid work is the new norm Look past the irony of it for the business reasons that led to its call
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    An angerholic nation could yet undergo de-addiction

    An angerholic nation could yet undergo de-addiction Anger causes a chemical brain rush that could result in actual addiction and pose society a detox challenge
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    Chinese deflation

    Chinese deflation China slipping into deflation for the first time since the pandemic, raises concerns for its economy and global impact.
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    India's housing market enjoys rapid growth, but can it last?

    India's housing market enjoys rapid growth, but can it last? Demand for homes soars, prices follow suit
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    What Does AI Imply for India’s Growth?

    What Does AI Imply for India’s Growth? It turns out that automation was actually coming, but it hit low-skilled services faster and harder than it ever hit manufacturing
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    Establishing a foreign K-12 school in India

    Establishing a foreign K-12 school in India If more foreign schools show interest in India, the Indian government may find merit in having a separate set of legislation to allow setting up of foreign K-12 schools in the country
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    GST@6: Forward looking thought

    GST@6: Forward looking thought As we enter the seventh year of the GST regime, it is crucial to address the prolonged issues and challenges while embracing forward-looking thoughts.
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    Explainer: 308 Indians held in Pakistan’s prisons. Here’s why

    Explainer: 308 Indians held in Pakistan’s prisons. Here’s why The arrest and detention of fishermen on both sides has been a recurring theme in bilateral relations. Given that the maritime boundaries between the two countries are somewhat blurry, fishermen have been caught in the net of...
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    Race to the Moon

    Race to the Moon India’s lunar landing may be upstaged by a Russian lander, but speed is not a gauge of space proficiency
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    It’s time to double down on our digital expansion

    It’s time to double down on our digital expansion India’s internet coverage has expanded and successes been noted but we still have plenty of catching up to do with the rest of the world for our ambitions of a digital economy to be met
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    Central bankers should ponder coin tossing odds and avoid golf

    Central bankers should ponder coin tossing odds and avoid golf Caught napping by an unlikely run of price stability, many have been too gradual in their response
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    Import licensing on its own is not an industrial policy

    Import licensing on its own is not an industrial policy The use of such licences is hard to justify even if government props for some industries may work out well
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    Will our new investment cycle be Keynesian or Schumpeterian?

    Will our new investment cycle be Keynesian or Schumpeterian? Whether it’s old industries or new that will see asset creation matters because their ideal supportive policy frameworks differ
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    Sports betting may be a good way to bridge gender pay gaps

    Sports betting may be a good way to bridge gender pay gaps Attention, engagement and money can help elevate women’s sports