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    It's time for company boards to create technology committees

    It's time for company boards to create technology committees Such panels need a clearly framed charter of intent to be effective. What exactly they monitor could differ but a common mandate would be to keep watch of emerging trends.
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    GE's Crotonville sale signals sunset of traditional corporate campuses

    GE's Crotonville sale signals sunset of traditional corporate campuses The relevance of corporate academies is waning, both globally and in India amid the growing use of technology, emergence of 5G, and sophisticated e-learning platforms
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    Dark clouds of war over global economy, markets. Brace for extended uncertainty.

    Dark clouds of war over global economy, markets. Brace for extended uncertainty. As geopolitical tensions threaten to disrupt energy supplies and economic stability, investors keep a wary watch
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    Japan may finally have an answer to its demographic crisis

    Japan may finally have an answer to its demographic crisis One of the world’s most closed societies has found that its economy must open up to immigrants.
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    Setting age limits for social media users is not an effective way to shield kids

    Setting age limits for social media users is not an effective way to shield kids Research on the impact of social media on kids must be stepped up and companies must use scientific learnings to protect them.
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    Advertisements crafted by AI needn’t be short of consumer insights

    Advertisements crafted by AI needn’t be short of consumer insights If advertising were to be a done by AI, we’d realize that prompting isn’t just another rational process. It takes human creativity to come up with the sort of creative briefs that give rise to effective ads.
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    Dubai's black-swan flood: Climate change is a suspect

    Dubai's black-swan flood: Climate change is a suspect The city got as much rainfall in two days as it usually gets in a year-and-a-half. What’s to blame: Cloud seeding or global warming?
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    GST adoption has given India’s north-eastern states a big developmental push

    GST adoption has given India’s north-eastern states a big developmental push It has not just boosted state finances but also raised taxation efficiency, enabling the region to fast-track economic growth.
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    Management recap: Birla’s target spotlights the classic ‘rule of three'

    Management recap: Birla’s target spotlights the classic ‘rule of three' The group’s aim to be among the top three in major financial-service markets evokes a ‘rule of three’ that top leaders of businesses in competitive markets find they must contend with.
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    The abundance algorithm: Technology is re-wiring economic prospects for all

    The abundance algorithm: Technology is re-wiring economic prospects for all Plenty for all sounded like a utopian dream till new digital tools emerged to reveal their wonders. Free and fair abundance by design now seems possible, thanks to open-source technologies.
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    Why electric mobility trumps hydrogen and hybrids in India

    Why electric mobility trumps hydrogen and hybrids in India Hybrid vehicles are a stop-gap solution at best, and since we already have a robust electrical grid, EVs could be rolled out faster than hydrogen cars, which would need an entire ecosystem to be built from scratch.
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    Experiments with AI: How wisely we deploy it decides how well it serves us

    Experiments with AI: How wisely we deploy it decides how well it serves us Now that AI is widely accessible, we need to figure out—through some trial and error—how best to leverage AI to address the inefficiencies that hold us back.
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    Disparity between rural and urban consumption is less than what it looks like

    Disparity between rural and urban consumption is less than what it looks like Rural spending has begun to resemble the urban kind on unhealthful consumption far more than on healthful items.
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    Trump’s hush-money trial: The jury’s missing

    Trump’s hush-money trial: The jury’s missing On the first day of the New York court's hunt for jurors, at least 50 New Yorkers pleaded an inability to be impartial. Polarized times are to blame.
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    Women entrepreneurs could help enrich the world by $6 trillion

    Women entrepreneurs could help enrich the world by $6 trillion Women entrepreneurs face funding discrimination and the world’s financial system must reform to remedy it. No country can grow healthier and more prosperous if half its people are left behind.
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    Competition penalties going by global turnover call for a rethink

    Competition penalties going by global turnover call for a rethink They could deter multinational business investments, even though our penalty recovery rate is low. Going by relevant turnover is easier to justify.
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    The world is still on fire, sadly, as the multilateral system looks on

    The world is still on fire, sadly, as the multilateral system looks on Blueprints like the G20 one on reforming multilateral development banks abound, but it takes political will to tackle the challenges facing humanity.
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    Election manifestos: Has the Congress ceded centre space to the BJP?

    Election manifestos: Has the Congress ceded centre space to the BJP? The grand old party’s electoral promises of cash handouts show a left-ward tilt, even as the ruling party’s prudent approach to welfare grants it the centre-ground in Indian politics.
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    The one thing that stands out in BJP’s manifesto is aviation. Can the promises fly?

    The one thing that stands out in BJP’s manifesto is aviation. Can the promises fly? The BJP election manifesto big on civil aviation but the devil lies in the details
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    Climate change: Scaring people will only yield scars and no solutions

    Climate change: Scaring people will only yield scars and no solutions It’s for the rich world to bear the bulk of the burden in honour of the Paris agreement on common-but-differentiated responsibilities. The trade-offs are such that insistence on an absolutist path would make it hard to reduce...