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    Modi’s France visit made a resilient relationship stronger still

    Modi’s France visit made a resilient relationship stronger still The India-France relationship is underpinned by a strong geopolitical logic – countering the overwhelming dominance of the United States. The PM’s visit helped cement this
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    Pakistan performs a fine balancing act, again

    Pakistan performs a fine balancing act, again If reports that Pakistan has been supplying weapons supplies to Ukraine while hobnobbing with Russia are true, it represents another instance of the country’s famed ability to balance the demands of key global players while extracting concessions and...
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    Why You Won’t Get Rich with Stocks

    Why You Won’t Get Rich with Stocks You have a basket of 30-40 stocks and a lower share of your investible money in them. That's not a good idea if you want to get rich by investing in the stock market. Find out what you should
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    We need to break chain of violence at every election

    We need to break chain of violence at every election A total of 72 persons were killed around the country during the 2019 election year. It is frightening to see so many deaths in West Bengal alone.
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    HDFC Bank is now a small fish in a big pond

    HDFC Bank is now a small fish in a big pond After merging with mortgage lender HDFC, India’s biggest private bank is fourth on the list of the world’s most valuable banks but remains far behind the likes of Bank of America and China’s ICBC
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    An enlarged Nato does not enhance its appeal

    An enlarged Nato does not enhance its appeal The alliance’s Nordic reach spells strategic advantages for it, though Ukraine is clearly too hot to admit. New Delhi should decline Nato+ overtures that encroach on our sovereignty
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    We can expect more turbulence ahead in Indian diaspora politics

    We can expect more turbulence ahead in Indian diaspora politics Our post-1947 and post-1991 pattern of engaging overseas Indian communities needs to change
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    Why a digital currency for animals could find takers

    Why a digital currency for animals could find takers The currency will have high emotional content that could help it beat cryptos in value
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    The World Bank aims to achieve a liveable planet free of poverty

    The World Bank aims to achieve a liveable planet free of poverty Let’s overcome inefficient multilateralism, geopolitical challenges and the mistrust that has spread across the Global South
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    Meeting creep: Stiff measures are being tested out against it

    Meeting creep: Stiff measures are being tested out against it Shopify’s meeting cost-calculator might help it fight this menace
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    A huge gap separates G20 tourism aims from reality

    A huge gap separates G20 tourism aims from reality It must address visa inequity suffered by Indians and restore the industry’s focus on tourists
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    Byju's needs a board recast, not an advisory council

    Byju's needs a board recast, not an advisory council One doesn't know if these industry stalwarts were reluctant to join Byju's board, but it is a fact that the startup's board faces unique compliance burdens
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    Back to the moon

    Back to the moon Four years after India’s Chandrayaan-2 failed to execute a soft landing near the south pole of the moon, the countdown for Chandrayaan-3 to make that attempt afresh has begun.
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    Birds, cats and evolution’s way

    Birds, cats and evolution’s way Cheetahs and hummingbirds both have remarkable abilities, but how do they sustain their exertions? Cheetahs can sprint at their fastest for about 30 seconds, while hummingbirds have to consume nearly their full body weight in nectar each day to survive. Some...
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    It’s crunch decision time for lovers of ageing cars

    It’s crunch decision time for lovers of ageing cars The scrapping of aged cars in Delhi has made car-hiding a phenomenon. Can it also create an accidental market someday for treasured cars saved from the jaws of car-crunchers?
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    Protect rural incomes to tackle the current food security threat

    Protect rural incomes to tackle the current food security threat We require public spending to generate demand in India’s economy and boost non-farm incomes
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    Interim orders should not undermine the Rule of Law

    Interim orders should not undermine the Rule of Law High pendency of cases affects the quality of justice delivered as courts issue interim orders that often stay effective for so long that contrary final rulings are left meaningless by that time.
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    The opportunities of generative AI outweigh challenges for India

    The opportunities of generative AI outweigh challenges for India It can be profitably deployed in various ways and we have a chance to lead its deployment for responsible value generation
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    US retail chains should defend their hiring diversity schemes

    US retail chains should defend their hiring diversity schemes This industry’s affirmative recruitment serves a business purpose
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    The world seems headed for a mild output contraction

    The world seems headed for a mild output contraction There may be several outcomes although a cool-off in inflation with GDP holding up suggests it’s most likely that the global economy will experience a mild recession and nothing worse.